A 56-year old woman is serving a life sentence in Texas federal prison for being reportedly “tricked” into smuggling drugs and money across the Mexican border. Others accused of much worse are serving far lighter sentences. The difference? Elisa Castillo refused to bargain with prosecutors. [Read more…]
SWIFT Program Designed Brings Quick Penalties to Errant Probationers
A new program is being kicked off in one Tarrant County courtroom. District Court Judge Mollee Westfall is hoping she can steer probationers towards success rather than prison through quick and intensive penalties for even “minor” violations. The program began in Hawaii where it had positive effects, effects Westfall is hoping to recreate. [Read more…]
Woman on Death Row to Get Life Sentence
Chelsea Richardson was sentenced to die six years ago. She’s been on a Texas death row ever since, working on appeals. Now she may have a chance to live out here life and even potentially walk free again one day. [Read more…]
Texas Juvenile Justice Reforms Promote Treatment Over Incarceration
A bill that changes how the state approaches juvenile justice matters was signed last week by Governor Rick Perry. The bill looks not only to save money but to save children from a life of crime, something more likely to happen if they are locked up in an institution. And perhaps surprisingly, it was a bill that received overwhelming support from both major political parties. [Read more…]
Texas Jails Hold Thousands With Untreated Mental Illness
The mentally ill seem to have drawn the short straw again this year as the state stands to cut funding to many community care programs, treatment, and counseling organizations. The state is already ranked 49th in terms of spending on mental health and it’s only going to get worse. With fewer and fewer community resources for the mentally ill, the police and local jails are left dealing with issues they simply aren’t equipped to handle. [Read more…]
Proposed Changes To Texas Prisons and Probation
In an effort to save the state money, lawmakers are considering changes to the prison system and probation. According to the American Statesman, the proposed changes, being added to House Bill 3386, could save the state millions at a time when we are struggling to stretch what we have. [Read more…]
Travis County Offers Unique Felony Deferred Prosecution Program
The only one of its kind in the state, a deferred prosecution program in Travis County allows a second chance for some fortunate and remorseful felony-accused defendants. Though not all prosecutors are supportive of this move, the Travis County DA stands by her decision to screen some first-time, nonviolent offenders into programs that save them from a criminal record. [Read more…]
Texas Bill Would Reduce Juvenile Sexting Penalties
Currently, a minor caught transmitting or possessing images of another minor on their phone can be charged with felony child pornography. Considering the popularity of the albeit troubling trend of “sexting”, the current laws could serve to criminalize numerous teens engaged in the practice. A new bill would change that. [Read more…]
Former Texas Convict Shares Story of Mistaken Eyewitness Testimony
Although the woman who was raped in 1983 initially told police Michael Anthony Green wasn’t one of the four who hurt her, she later changed her tune when Green was in a lineup. This changed account would end up sending Green, then 18, to prison for 27 years. [Read more…]
Governor Perry Proposing Tougher Sex Offender Laws
Governor Rick Perry announced this week that he is proposing tighter restrictions on sex offenders. No matter how the system seems to lighten up on criminal offenses overtime, sex offenses are not likely to be included. [Read more…]