As of September 1, “Sexting”, or sending sexually explicit images between consensual minors will only be a misdemeanor offense at worst, and no longer subject to felony sex offender status. [Read more…]
Texas Bill Would Reduce Juvenile Sexting Penalties
Currently, a minor caught transmitting or possessing images of another minor on their phone can be charged with felony child pornography. Considering the popularity of the albeit troubling trend of “sexting”, the current laws could serve to criminalize numerous teens engaged in the practice. A new bill would change that. [Read more…]
Questions in Texas “Sexting” Case
A teen in La Joya, TX is was arrested on criminal child pornography charges for possession of a nude photo of another teen. He admitted to having the photos, and was found with suggesting pictures of several other girls. [Read more…]
Texas Attorney General on “Sexting”
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott takes a hard line on teen “sexting”, and warns teens of felony charges and jail time. [Read more…]