Across the country, the attitude towards marijuana is changing—both among citizens and lawmakers. While almost 20 states have medical marijuana laws in place, two have legalized recreational marijuana and several others have pending legislation addressing both these areas. But, where does Texas stand in the world of marijuana legalization? [Read more…]
Drug Task Force Cops Facing Drug Charges
Seven former members of a South Texas police department are now facing serious charges of funneling drugs for profit. The cops, all former Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Deputies, are facing federal drug and conspiracy charges. [Read more…]
Crime Lab Scientist Could Be Cause of Thousands of Bad Drug Convictions
Jonathon Salvador was fired from his job as a drug analyst for Texas Department of Public Safety last year after it was discovered his work was unreliable—that he had falsified results and simply screwed up on numerous cases. But during his tenure he worked on nearly 5,000 cases—all of which could potentially be overturned in the wake of an investigation into his work. [Read more…]
Flawed Drug Tests From Harris County Probation Department
At least one person has announced their resignation and evidence from the Harris County probation department has stopped being court-worthy in the aftermath of flawed drug tests. According to the Houston Chronicle, the agency, tasked with the supervision of local probationers, parolees, and those out on bail, is set to be investigated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. [Read more…]
Mexican-Style Pot Farming Gaining Ground in Texas
With little more than a tent and some food, a hired farmer can sleep among the towering pot plants on a farm in Texas, or Mexico, without being detected. These farms, which often cover large swaths of land, are being found more and more on this side of the border, where cartels don’t have to worry about crossing over to bring their goods to eager American customers. [Read more…]
First-time Offender Grandmother Sentenced to Life in Prison
A 56-year old woman is serving a life sentence in Texas federal prison for being reportedly “tricked” into smuggling drugs and money across the Mexican border. Others accused of much worse are serving far lighter sentences. The difference? Elisa Castillo refused to bargain with prosecutors. [Read more…]
Harris County Stops Prosecuting Crack Possession, Peeves Cops
If you are caught with less than one gram of crack-cocaine, it is a crime. But if you are caught in Harris County, you’ll likely be let off with nothing more than a stern warning and a dirty look from the police. This is because Harris County District Attorney Pat Lykos has stopped prosecuting for such offenses, an action that has the police up in arms. [Read more…]
Texas Drug Traffickers Using Innocents to Mule Their Goods
“This has been going on as long as there has been smuggling,” says Houston attorney Norm Silverman. He’s talking about the use of unsuspecting, innocent people by drug traffickers to transport their goods, either across the Mexican border or throughout the state of Texas. “If you are a drug trafficking organization, there is no more effective means you can use than have a person be an unwitting courier” he said. “They won’t have any signs of nervousness because they simply don’t know.” [Read more…]
Texas Drug Homes Torn Down By National Guard
This month, the Texas National Guard is moving into Dallas. They’ll be tearing down a series of abandoned homes and buildings that have known drug ties. While they’ve torn down a reported 1,200 structures in the state, this will be the first time they’ve brought the program to Dallas. [Read more…]
Drug Traffickers Using the US Mail
Sometimes it’s just easier to put something in the mail. Apparently this isn’t only true for your bills, but also controlled substances. According to the Houston Chronicle, drug traffickers are turning to the mail system more and more often with agents in Houston intercepting 15 packages in the last 60 days. [Read more…]