There’s no arguing that some crimes are more serious than others. Obviously, in a just situation, someone accused of rape, for instance, will be punished more severely than someone charged with a drug offense. But as this nation’s War on Drugs illustrates, that isn’t always the case. Even when it comes to non-drug offenses, there are instances where a punishment simply doesn’t fit the crime. A recent example comes to us from Waco. [Read more…]
Counterfeit Bills Result in 80 Year Prison Sentence
This isn’t a “wacky crime news” type of blog, but every once in a while, an out-of-the-ordinary story can teach us a good lesson in how the justice system often works. Such is the case of a Fort Worth man who will be in prison for a very long time because of his evening out at a Mansfield movie theater. [Read more…]
Walmart Shoplifting Results in Life Sentence
At face value, a life sentence for shoplifting from Walmart seems asinine. But it happened. And the facts of the case may make it seem slightly more serious than Walmart’s typical shopliftings but still an odd case and a highly questionable sentence. [Read more…]
Texas Cops Use Surveillance to Thwart Car Burglaries
Surveillance cameras and tracking devices are helping Dallas police catch culprits stealing goods from cars. According to the Dallas Morning News, car burglaries account for about 30% of the city’s crime and police rarely catch the burglars. With help from one Assistant Chief’s personal finances, the local police are whittling away at the problem. [Read more…]
Texas Theft Charges – College Prank Gone Wrong?
Fifteen college freshmen from Texas Tech spent a night in jail recently and now face serious criminal charges. All fifteen are rushing the same fraternity, leading some to wonder if the act was related to hazing or some other sort of prank. Now, however, no one is laughing and the potential for jail time looms overhead. [Read more…]
Texas Cop Guilty In Theft of Purse Contents
A Slaton Police officer was found guilty this past week of theft and now awaits sentencing. According to the Avalanche-Journal, the officer is a former Sergeant with the Slaton Department and was set up by his colleagues when he was suspected of drug abuse. [Read more…]
Texas Family Arrested in Theft, Burglary of Home
A rural north Texas woman returned to her home one day last week to see a strange car in her driveway and her television on the patio. A quick look around also revealed an open window and her own trailer attached to the out of place vehicle. She called authorities and a family was arrested. [Read more…]