Numerous police agencies across the country are salivating at the opportunity to have a new militaristic toy to add to their arsenals. The hot item right now is the drone and several departments within Texas have them. A recent report in the Star Telegram, however, seems to attempt to paint the eyes-in-the-sky as harmless remote-controlled helpers rather than anything that could be potentially used to violate privacy rights. [Read more…]
Houston Cops to Get Mini Body Cameras
The Houston Police Department says police officers will soon be testing small cameras attached to their shirts or even their glasses. This, they say, is an attempt to bring down officer complaints and to provide clear evidence for use in criminal cases. But if other cities are any indication, the cameras may bring out the best behavior in everyone. [Read more…]
Texas Cops Use Surveillance to Thwart Car Burglaries
Surveillance cameras and tracking devices are helping Dallas police catch culprits stealing goods from cars. According to the Dallas Morning News, car burglaries account for about 30% of the city’s crime and police rarely catch the burglars. With help from one Assistant Chief’s personal finances, the local police are whittling away at the problem. [Read more…]
Greenville, TX Gets Police License Plate Scanners
Greenville, a northeast suburb of Dallas is the latest city to acquire a new automatic license plate scanning systems for their police department. This system will be used by the police department to search for stolen cars, and identify drivers and cars flagged in the database as wanted by the police. [Read more…]