Two troopers are facing criminal charges for a traffic stop that occurred last summer. The troopers’ dash cam caught the act on video—clearly showing a female trooper searching two women inside of their clothing. The trooper denies wrongdoing and the civilians have filed a lawsuit. [Read more…]
Police Would Have You Think Drones Are No Threat
Numerous police agencies across the country are salivating at the opportunity to have a new militaristic toy to add to their arsenals. The hot item right now is the drone and several departments within Texas have them. A recent report in the Star Telegram, however, seems to attempt to paint the eyes-in-the-sky as harmless remote-controlled helpers rather than anything that could be potentially used to violate privacy rights. [Read more…]
Houston Cops to Get Mini Body Cameras
The Houston Police Department says police officers will soon be testing small cameras attached to their shirts or even their glasses. This, they say, is an attempt to bring down officer complaints and to provide clear evidence for use in criminal cases. But if other cities are any indication, the cameras may bring out the best behavior in everyone. [Read more…]
Prosecutors Pursuing Charges Under Internet Impersonation Law
A Facebook account created, email sent, or photo posted—if you do any of these in someone else’s name, you could be facing serious felony charges. Though the law was created in 2011, Texas prosecutors are now beginning to charge people under the law that could take childish pranks and turn them into life-changing criminal convictions. [Read more…]
Texas Legislation to Ban TSA Pat-Downs Dies
Governor Rick Perry gained some support from citizens and some ire from the federal government when he introduced legislation that would have made it a crime for airport officials to conduct invasive pat downs in Texas airports. Unfortunately for him and all those who were hoping to see the law come to fruition, it died before legislators had the chance to approve it this week. [Read more…]