It all began in 1988. It all ends, for this particular family, now. For 21 years, over two dozen people recently arrested operated a complex drug ring right under the noses of their coworkers, neighbors, and friends.
Details are just now emerging in the cases against a group, many of them family members, accused of operating a drug ring responsible for smuggling Mexican marijuana into Houston and American guns into Mexico.
This article from the Houston Chronicle details that the group of 26 included normal people: a firefighter, truck driver, mason, construction worker, a pregnant mom, and an auto mechanic. One of those facing charges was only 2 years old when the group got its start.
All of those involved are now facing federal charges of conspiracy to distribute narcotics and could each face sentences of life in prison for their acts.
What has caught the attention of the press and people in Houston about this case is the normalcy that each of these people portrayed. They seemed, by all accounts, to be everyday Americans. However, the group including 4 Jimenez brothers and 2 Acevedo brothers were anything but.
Although federal charges are different than those handled by the state, drug trafficking and distribution charges at the state level are common as well. And despite the prevailing stereotypes, you don’t have to be a thug or unkempt ruffian to face drug charges.
Everyday someone faces drug charges in our courts. Often those people are normal, just like you and I. The differences lurk beneath the surface.
Although you may be facing drug charges, I know you are no different from the rest of us. Perhaps you got involved to provide an income to your family or maybe you are battling addiction yourself and need help.
Whatever got you into this mess, I want to help get you out. Call me today for a consultation on your drug charges and let me give you some free legal advice.