While working at the Shell convenience store last Sunday morning, clerk Juan Romero witnessed two customers steal a 12 pack of Budweiser. What he did next may have crossed the line.
The shoplifters did not have a weapon and did not threaten Romero. They seem to have simply grabbed the beer and ran out of the store.
Romero, however, followed the fleeing men and shot one of them, Jorge Luis Vielma as he ran for the getaway car. Vielma later died.
What began as a bad night at work has now landed Romero behind bars on a $250,000 bail. He has been charged with murder.
Texas law does allow people to defend their property if they feel threatened or if they are justified. In this case, however, it appears that Romero may have acted in a manner out of proportion with the threat of danger by killing a man over a 12 pack of beer.
Who knows what went through Romero’s head at the time. Perhaps there are some facts that have not yet been made public. This report from the Statesman Blotter, however, leads us to believe Romero was way out of line.
Had Vielma gotten away with an injury, Romero may have faced aggravated assault charges. Unfortunately, that was not the case. What began as a shoplifting ended in murder and a much heavier law enforcement involvement.
This is an extreme case but it just goes to show, you never know what will happen when your intentions are not good. There is little doubt that these two shoplifters thought they would make it home with their beer and no further repercussions would result. The risk of death in a crime like this is actually pretty small.
But sometimes criminal acts spiral out of control. If you have ever been charged with a crime you probably know this to be true.
Facing up to something you know was wrong but you didn’t expect to happen can be very difficult. Having an experienced attorney in your corner can make all the difference in the world. Call me today to discuss the criminal charges you are facing, and how I can make sure you are treated fairly and defended in court.