Lower Greenville, an entertainment district known for its parties and bars has a well known activist named Avi Adelman. Mr. Adelman apparently spends his time working to clean up the neighborhood by bringing attention to the excessive drinking that goes on here.
It seems that’s exactly what he was doing this past weekend when filming a passed out man in front of a local bar. This article from the Dallas Morning News states that early Sunday morning while documenting the intoxicated sleeper, Adelman got into a shoving match with a female in front of a bar.
Arikca Hansen and a friend has noticed the passed out man and flagged down a police officer. In the meantime Ms. Hansen crouched over the man to check on him, stepping in between the man and Adelman, who was filming. This is reportedly when the assault occurred.
Apparently, Adelman shoved Hansen and told her to get out of the way. According to police and Adelman, Hansen shoved back and asked Adelman why he was filming the man. Regardless, both now face assault charges.
It doesn’t take an all out brawl to get charged with assault. A simple shove or push will do it. The penalties for assault, of course, depend on the outcome of the situation and the specific circumstances surrounding it.
Simple assault is considered a Class A misdemeanor. This relatively minor charge can still result in up to one year in county jail. When the injuries get more extensive and the circumstances of the assault more severe, assault charges can grow to be a 1st degree felony.
Facing violent crime charges like these is a serious situation. Even if you are only facing misdemeanor assault charges, you are no doubt under some serious stress. Call me today for a consultation on your case.