Over the past few years, the probation system in Travis county has made some major changes. From streamlining tedious paperwork to better classifying offenders prior to sentencing, the department has saved money and it seems they have also reduced short term recidivism.
This report from the Statesman shows that probation revocations are down 20% over the past two years. This number is amidst of a struggling economy and difficult times for many so it shows a promising trend for the future of probationers in the Austin area.
Probation happens when a person is convicted of a crime but the judge sees them fit for supervision within the community. This privilege is instated while a prison sentence is suspended. If the probationer follows all the rules and avoids new arrests they serve their probation term and are then released. If, however, they violate their probation, the judge can “revoke” it and reinstate the suspended sentence.
Finding superior supervision methods saves the state and county money by avoiding over-supervising low risk offenders and also by ensuring the right programs are used for the right offenders. With lower revocation numbers, this means there are less violators sitting in Travis County jail and lining up for court.
Probation is a privilege given to those people who are believed to be good risks. This means that they aren’t expected to reoffend and they will respond favorably to community supervision. Typically, the people on probation have limited or no criminal records and are non-violent offenders. This doesn’t mean that all probationers are convicted of misdemeanors; however, as about half of those on probation are felons.
Some crimes are more likely to be eligible for probation than others. Your criminal history, the specifics of your case and several other factors go into this determination. An experienced defense attorney may be able to increase the likelihood of you serving probation in lieu of more serious penalties by ensuring you are treated fairly and your redeeming qualities are shown in court.
If you have been charged with a criminal offense and are interested in knowing more about the chances that you may serve probation contact us today to discuss your case.